UNEARTHED : Tomb Raider in Space

GUYS !! I found a magic recipe to enjoy YA nowadays : lowering my expectations! That’s why when I started seeing the hype around this book, I wouldn’t dare having too much expectation nor reading what’s it about. I just take where the book leads me. It worked!

Now now you must say: THAT’S A PRETTY HIGH RATING FOR TRANGS REVIEWS (TRANG, ARE YOU OKAY♪ARE YOU OKAY TRANG♪). You should consider a few things here: my expectations lowered and my underdying love for any stories like Indiana Jones or The Mummy.  If I had not those interests in mind, I’d probably give it  a 3.5. 

It takes a really brave soul to mix a treasure hunting plot to a science fiction, on another planet style. It also takes crazy amount of hard science and archeology knowledge to be able to make this journey believable. Kamie Auffman and Meagan Spooner did it. So you should be prepared for long descriptions and science notions here and there. Although, I don’t agree with all of it,  I always admire the research the authors have to do for this kind of story.

This is a character driven novel. They deserve all the stars in the rating.  I LOVED AMELIA. She’s the kind of character I’d love to hangout with. No bullshit, straightforward, smart and pretty funny. With so many female protagonists in the YA batch nowadays, it’s hard to find one that doesn’t annoy you. When you find one, you keep it close, like a precious jewel in your memory  hahah #MYPRECIOUS! 

Jules is the other POV and main protagonist, he’s a scholar, funny and pretty quick on his feet too. When the two of them, interact with each other, it’s priceless!

I have to admit that I was not a fan of the instaromance, hence not a perfect rating.

For fans of : A light SciFi book, The Mummy, Tomb Raider 

Not recommend if you want : a big world building. The story evolves mostly around our characters and they have to surpass some obstacles in a temple. You won’t get details from the planet YET (maybe in the sequel WINK WINK). 

UPDATE: I have not been on the blog at all this week, my apologies ! I will try to make it up on February and interact more with you guys! ❤ If you find it’s been a long time I haven’t been on your blog (because I have hundreds of blogs on my feed it’s very NOT personal) and you want me to visit your blog, just tell me and I’ll be happy to check it out