The betties met in real life……
Before I can write a quick and dirty summary of our Libro-Betties adventure, I must first turn your attention to Samantha Irby’s bitches gotta eat blog. This post was “intended for”, or maybe “in response to”, or possibly “inspired by”….to be honest any of these is pushing it, especially since this is a New York Times best selling author, who probably receives many an email, but I will say it anyway, “inspired by” the Libro-Betties book club!
Please read drunk YA book club
It could be just an amazing coincidence, which is the likeliest of stories, that this blog post came out when it did but….as maybe Samantha Irby might say, “bitches gotta hope” right?
The Betties met at the amazing Planet Sarbez! We ended up outside in the eclectic back porch area. It was really neat back there, all kinds of cool mismatched found items put together as couches, lounges, tables, and chairs. I took notes on our discussion, writing as quickly as I could in my little notebook as everyone spoke, however for those that were not in attendance; it was hot out there and kind of dark! My notes are not as useful as I would have hoped. So in short, we 5 sat huddled, sweating around a license plate table lit only by the full moon and a nearby street lamp reading/squinting at our favorite passages from the book, laughing and talking. It was great!
Things we learned:
Betties feel free to chime in……
Looking forward to our next book discussion!
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