We love this print, “Daydreamer”…. by Helen D. Moore.

Daydreamer by Helen D. Moore

We love this print as it looks so much like Rosie,our Jack Russell Terrier,  she even has the same pink belly.

Rosie our Jack Russell Terrier Rosie, flower power.

When we met Helen at a craft fair that we were both exhibiting at, we were very pleased to find that she was a fan of our work and that she already owned some of our jewellery. We fell in love with the “Daydreamer” print, along with a number of others that Helen was exhibiting. At the end of the show we were all very happy to exchange some work. John and I gained a couple of lovely prints and Helen took home some new earrings, a win, win situation.

You can find more of Helen’s wonderful prints at www.helendmoore.co.uk 

A few more of Helen’s prints.

A print by Helen D. Moore Print by Helen D. Moore Print by Helen D. Moore Advertisements Share this:
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