Welcome to Lynn Kellan w/ #ContemporaryRomance #book ‘Run to Her’ @LynnKellan @GoddessFish

Today we have author Lynn Kellan visiting. Welcome!

What would you like to tell readers about yourself?

* Lynn Kellan writes contemporary romance about strong men who have a weakness for smart women. She believes men and women aren’t that different, because everyone wants to be with someone who will empty the dishwasher. To prepare for her career as a romance author, she fell in love with bad boys, burly athletes, battle-hardened Marines…and married a chemist. Lynn has won numerous writing contests and served two terms as President of her local Romance Writers of America chapter, but she feels a true sense of accomplishment whenever she doesn’t embarrass her teenaged kids.
* For love. For funny. For ever.

Today Lynn Kellan will be talking about a day in her life.
* In the mornings, I catch up on social media and focus on the business/marketing side of writing romance for a few hours. Once I’m caught up on my to-do list, I head to the basement, get on the treadmill, and write while I walk. Rather than buy an expensive treadmill desk, I placed an extra piece of shelving across the handles of my treadmill that serves as my “desk.” It holds my keyboard, a mouse, and any paperwork I need. My old Mac computer sits on top of an old filing cabinet at eye level, and voila! My self-made treadmill desk.
* When I first tried to walk and write at the same time, I started out at a very slow walking tempo. I only needed a couple days before I was able to walk at a decent clip while I edited or wrote new material. Walking while writing (or writing while walking) has been so good for me. I’m often able to put in at least 5 miles on the treadmill while I’m writing, so I’m exercising and working at the same time.
* I’ve fallen off once (I blame the dog). Believe me, the fall wasn’t a bad one.
* I can write for about three hours before I need a break. I’ll stop for lunch, check my email, and then run a few errands. Afterwards, I’ll resume writing until my family comes home for dinner. I’m the chef in the family, so I cook for everyone. After the meal, my husband and I will often try to play a few holes of golf if it’s sunny and warm outside. My kids are old enough to drive, so they often have stuff to do in the evenings. Sometimes, the kids ask us to play tennis with them. There are a lot of local courts nearby, so we can usually find a spot to play doubles.
* In the winter, we tend to do more work in the evenings because it’s too cold and dark to be outside. There are some days when I’m able to write for 10 hours, but I have to be careful about long days. If I work too long for too many days, I lose steam and need a break. Sometimes, spending a day or two away from my computer regenerates me. For that reason, I tend to avoid working on weekends. A writer needs to live life in order to write about it, right?

A look into…

~ Blurb ~

* She avoids men like him. He needs a woman like her. One lie changes everything…
* Gabriel Antonov is a mechanic who can fix anything, even a woman’s hesitance. His talents have earned him the well-deserved reputation as a player, but when a routine one-night stand goes wrong, he’s haunted by what he’s done. Nothing can free him from those depraved memories, until he meets Leigh Nelson.
* Leigh avoids strong, silent types like Gabe, who is stronger and quieter than most guys. The only man she’s focused on is her father, who is suffering from a devastating health crisis. She’ll do anything to help him, even at the cost of ignoring her own well-being, but the stress is getting to her. Gabe’s strength is tough to resist, and his silence might be hiding a crushing secret only she can understand.
* He can’t outrun his gut-deep craving for her. Problem is, she’s running from him. When they’re marooned in his lakeside cabin, he might finally catch her…if he can admit why he’s falling apart without her.
* RUN TO HER is on sale for $2.99

~ Excerpt ~

* A fat raindrop splattered on the porch screen. And another. Tiny fragments of water landed on Leigh’s shoulder like little kisses. A shiver trickled across her back, forcing her to step toward the center of the porch to avoid getting wet.
* The carefree humor fled from his expression. His gaze dropped to the tips of her toes and slowly rose up her legs, her body, her face. Gabe locked eyes with her, reached out, and opened his hand.
* An invitation.
* She gazed at his broad palm and dark memories rose, fueled by a violent incident that flashed through her mind whenever a big man got close…but this man was different. Gabe used his considerable strength to protect, not dominate. Months ago, he’d pulled off the Interstate to help her when no one else had. After that, he’d showed up to run with her when no one else would. And a few minutes ago, he’d tamed his powerful Harley so she’d enjoy the ride when no one else seemed to care if she had any fun. Even tiny things like ladybugs received his special brand of kindness.
* She had no reason to believe Gabe would willfully hurt her. Even so, her heart tripped at the sight of the thick rope of muscle along his arm.

Buy Run to Her here…
Amazon | iTunes | Kobo | Smashwords

Find Lynn Kellan here…
Facebook | Goodreads | Instagram | Newsletter | Twitter | Website | YouTube

Thank you for joining us here today, Lynn Kellan! It was a pleasure getting to know you and your story.

ANNOUNCEMENT! Lynn Kellan says, “One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/BN.com gift card!” So be sure to leave a comment AND use this RAFFLECOPTER LINK to enter the drawing. Also, visit the other tour stops for a greater chance of winning!

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