What Do You Do With a Chance?, by Kobi Yamada/Illustrated by Mae Besom, (Feb. 2018, Compendium), $16.95, ISBN: 978-1-943-20073-3
Recommended for readers 4-8
The writer/illustrator team behind What Do You Do With an Idea? and What Do You Do With a Problem? returns for a third book asking big questions to little readers. A young boy is offered a chance – a golden, flying opportunity – and pulls back, unsure of whether or not he should take it. He tries to reach for it again, but misses; he finally reaches within himself and finds the inner strength to reach for – and grab! – the chance; he soars on its wings, free.
What a great allegory for young readers (and not so young, to be honest)! The chance presents itself as a literal golden opportunity. The boy’s insecurity holds him back at first; when he tries again, he fails, and lets insecurity get the best of him. It’s only when he realizes that bravery comes from within that he’s able to go for the gold. It’s not about being afraid – it’s about rising above it: “It wasn’t that I was no longer afraid, but now my excitement was bigger than my fear”. He soars to new heights, ready for incredible new things. This is a story to inspire readers to take chances; to let excitement, rather than fear, push you forward. It just takes one chance to change everything.
The illustrations are largely brown and white, with the chance and the boy appearing in glowing color. When he seizes his chance, the scenery and his animal friends appear in color, illustrating a voyage into a new world.
What Do You Do With a Chance creates a thought-provoking and beautifully illustrated trilogy for young thinkers and readers. A must-have for shelves.
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