What I’m Reading: The Art of Racing in the Rain


At the beginning of all of my posts from now until December 31st I will be including a link to my Dressember fundraising page. I will also be sharing facts about modern day slavery. Today’s fact: It’s not all men, in 30 % of countries that reporter the gender of traffickers it is women who make up the larger portion of traffickers (information found here).

Here is the link to my fundraising page if you want to join me in helping exploited women experience freedom.  Part of Dressember is just starting the conversation, but another large part is raising money to help Dressember’s partners carry out rescue missions. Just $200 dollars helps with the immediate needs a woman has when she leaves a trafficking situation. Whether or not you make a donation, start the conversation!


Just a little background on how I got this book first because I think it is the coolest story ever. My family and I were walking around Boston and I saw a Little Free Library. I had seen one before while I was driving but I had never got the chance to visit one so I had to stop this time. It was so adorable and it was modeled after the children’s book Make Way for Ducklings. You can see the full library here.

Now I am on a quest to start a Little Free Library but that’s a story for a later day.

Now onto the book! There are a lot of lessons we can learn from dogs and Garth Stein lays them out for you in The Art of Racing in the Rain. 

This book takes you through Enzo’s life with his family. I loved how the book is told through Enzo’s point of view. He tells it like it is and although sometimes it was too honest for my liking, I still loved it.

I do not cry at books or movies but if I did, I definitely would have shed some tears at the end. If you are looking for a feel good story this is it. The ending of this book had one of the most satisfying endings I have ever read.

While there are certain parts of the plot that seem unnecessary, the thoughtfulness in the storyline more than make up for it.

Here is my favorite quote from the book: “You should shine with all of your light all the time.”

Happy reading!



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