This year I decided to make the trek down to the hills of Ojai to party with the crew of Lucky Wheels Garage at White Lightning!
For the second year, this team organized a true summer camp feel. Split into two teams, blue and yellow, we battled it out in fun games like the scavenger hunt, arm wrestling contests, egg toss, and tug o’ war. Unfortunately, the blue team won for the second year in a row, but both teams had a ton of fun!
I’m not usually one for team bonding experiences, but this campout felt more intimate and inclusive than the others I’ve been to. The campground hosted maybe 100 people, all there to party – and that we did thanks to the free PBR!

The route to Ojai was pretty simple, take 101 South. I split the first leg of trip down to Santa Maria and slept over at a friends house that Friday night. Saturday morning, we met up with more women in Santa Barbara by cutting across to Highway 154.
From there, we took 150 up into the Ojai hills to our campground.

The campground was small and mostly on an incline, but we managed to safely get our gear set up for the night.
I think I’d skip this campout next year since it’s only a 1 night event. Either way, we had a ton of fun and I was able to catch up with my friends from Las Vegas and Los Angeles/Long Beach. Not so bad for a short weekend trip riding almost 700 miles!

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