Word Prompt – Grit

The People in my Life with Grit

For Michael and all others like him who live their lives with grit. A diamond-in-the-rough, he resolutely follows his own moral code. He does not waver. Weighing the consequences he will do what is right.

I am blessed to have three children who embody the characteristics of grit. Nature or nurture? I’d like to think it’s nurture so I can take some of the credit, but I often wonder if they weren’t born this way. They were spunky from the day they were born.

Grit can also be used to describe uncomfortable situations like sand in your bathing suit. Like a gritty bathing suit, living with such tenacious people isn’t always easy. They have strong convictions, nerves of steel, and intestinal fortitude that makes them a force to reckon with. But it is worth it to have people with such pluck in my life.

I am proud of my children, Michael, and my friends who have such spirit. When I’m around them I want to stand a little taller and be the best version of myself. In them, I see all that is right with this world and they make me believe the world can truly be a better place. Grit is a priceless gift.




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