I’ve had it under control for a little while and last night I lost control. I felt like everything I was doing was wrong. There was no literal time to get a good 3 minutes of restoring meditation in without interruption. Today is anew and I’m going back as if nothing happened. Continuing to communicate like a Buddhist. Which I’ve found at my job it’s best to be silent. As that’s is a form of communication. I would like to think that I would fair better at a job that only had one or two other co-workers. But alas the healthcare field works in very dysfunctional “teams” and we just have to bide our time until we get to go home. So with that I’m getting ready for work. I have packed In the meantime for my reading pleasure and I want only go in with this mindset. Be Well 40.020533 -83.154027 Share this:Work stress.
Work. Stress. Repeat.
So as we all have it.
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