Writers Horoscope November 26: Just say no.

With all due respect to the anti-drug message of the 80’s…

Just say no.

Not to your writing, of course,

But to the anti-writing forces.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

But to the myriad of distractions that come with busy times of the year.

  • Go for one focused hour. Preferably in the morning. [Srini Rao has nailed down this one-hour thing.]
  • Internet OFF. You don’t need Google Docs to crank out your daily words.
  • One device only–your productivity tool of choice. That poor shlub in the photo should can the camera. And that clapperboard? Really? It’s just begging him to leave the keyboard and make an annoying racket. [I’ll give him a pass on the coffee.]
  • Music with lyrics? Not if you’re in a nix-ative mood.
  • Still locked into multi-device existence, are you? The TV? Only one of those music stations.
    Otherwise, you’ll fall prey to the ‘Oh, I can do some drafting while the movie is running.’ ploy that the evil manufacturers have wired into the circuitry. [Talk about paranoid…]
  • Okay, that’s a safe and sane start. Let’s get a little more manic tomorrow…

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