The Hanged Man is the ultimate surrender. It’s the ultimate self-sacrifice for the greater good. He’s hanging in the tree, but of his own free will. He’s voluntarily stepping away from the world in order to arrive at the truth. And you can see by his halo, he’s going to find that truth he is seeking.
Upright meaning: The Hanged Man reflects a need to suspend action. Don’t make a decision right now. Stall and take some time to reflect. This is a time to retreat, withdraw, and surrender to quiet. When you quiet yourself internally, the answers will come to you. The Hanged Man is an indication to let go and stop fighting. Allow a situation to resolve itself. You don’t have to react; instead watch as a careful observer. By pausing, new possibilities may arise. Surrender to a situation and give up your need to control.
Reversal: A Reversal can have several meanings, but ultimately The Hanged Man reversed may be an indication that you should try to look at something from a different perspective. You may need to sacrifice something but this is a time of renewal – the sacrifice you make will be worth it. A reversal can also indicate that you may be acting selfishly, putting your needs ahead of a greater good. Alternatively, you may feel like a martyr, making sacrifices but it feels like your sacrifices aren’t getting you anywhere. A reversed card coming up indicates this energy is passing. Expect things to start changing and moving.
The Hanged Man reminds us that through meditative contemplation and surrender we arrive at the truth. Take time for self reflection, make some time to experience some quiet, and get away from agitation in the day to day routine. The Hanged Man helps us get rid of our bad habits, break patterns of bad behavior, and as a result, grow spiritually.