You Have Delivered My Life

Yesterday, my pursuit was deliverance.
Today, my pursuit is deliverance.
And I will surely pursue it tomorrow.

The cry is almost audible as every fiber of my being longs, screams, begs for deliverance.

Deliverance from pain. Deliverance from fear.

Deliverance from the temptation to hold it all in, bear it all up, and carry it on my own.

Deliverance from the impossible standards I set for myself and the pressure to perform.

Deliverance from the voice in my head that tells me everything I’ve ever said or tried needs fixing.

Deliverance from the crippling forces that rip through my body, blur my mind,
and hold me captive to the millions of “what if’s” and unbearable realities I’ve come to know all too well.

Deliverance. From all of this.

How many times will I sit and grieve the life I could have had?

How many times will my heart give up and just not bother to hope anymore?

How many times will I plead with God for mercy, and healing, and victory?

And how many times will I forget that I’ve already been delivered?

In love, you have delivered my life from the pit of destruction,
for you have cast all my sins behind your back.
Isaiah 38:17

In love. You. Have delivered. My life.

 [image credit: ]


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