Your Passion is Your Power: The Impact of Dave Burgess #tlap

When one hears that Dave Burgess, New York Times Best Selling author of Teach Like a Pirate, is coming to your hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (#KDPconvo17), the only possible option is: BE THERE!  There is absolutely no option 2… simply stated. #tlap

I immediately felt the fire burning inside me… the burning that told me my life as an educator would never be the same.  The one that told me if I was actually going to go and see this amazing keynote, that I was now signing on to the Dave Burgess commitment to “create an experience” for every child, every day!  “A contract”, in my eyes, to be 100% committed to this “life changing business” as Dave so eloquently calls it.

Well, I’m there!  I’m committed!  Bring it on Pirate!

To be so bold and make a statement about the power of Dave Burgess seems almost impossible… close to unnatural or maybe better said as not worthy of me to do.  To possibly sum up the impact that he had on me, let alone the hundreds of educators in one room, once again feels close to impossible.

But let me give it all I have and lay it out there in a way that you may just be able to wrap your head around his amazing influence on my life.

“The most powerful force on earth is the human soul on fire” -unknown

If you did not see into Dave Burgess’s soul when he “spoke” (a mile a minute might I add) well,  you simply did not have a heartbeat.  If you did not laugh, feel a slight tinge of embarrassment, want to jump up and say “AMEN”, or for some like myself… cry, you were not present emotionally.

My face literally hurt from smiling 90 minutes straight.  My heart beat 1,000 beats/minute… I forgot there was anyone else in the room.  I was convinced he was speaking only to me!  Like a preacher, preaching to his congregation, I was a believer! His passion behind every word was his power!

WOW, isn’t that how our students should feel?  Do I do that for my students? #impact

Dave tossed up shocking posters for us to view.  Did it have an impact, YES! 

He put humor around every bend… did it work?  Yes, it did! 

Dave NEVER stopped moving… did it keep my eyes on him? Yes! 

Did he bring energy to the room?  YES!   

Were his words of wisdom practical so that every single educator could walk away feeling empowered to make a difference?  YES! 

He continued to tease us with hooks left and right.  Did it work, YES! 


“We are in a life changing business” –Dave Burgess

“You need to make life-changing lessons” –Dave Burgess

Dave Burgess gifted me an experience.  He took 90 minutes and created feelings inside of me that left me with wanting more… yes, after a full day of work, and sitting through 2 hours of professional development, all I wanted was more…

More time with my students!

More opportunities to create experiences!

More moments to change lives! 

More opportunities to “preheat my grill!”

More everything!  Twenty-one years into education and all I want is MORE TIME TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  I want to be the teacher that “could sell tickets to my lesson!”

Dave Burgess made a difference in me… in many.  He paid forward a gift to every child through creating an experience for every educator in the room! #grateful

“At some point in your career you have to decide if you care more about teaching to tests or teaching kids. My decision was made a long time ago. I teach kids.”
― Dave Burgess, Teach Like a PIRATE: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator





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