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The Entitlement Trap: How To Rescue Your Child With A New Family System Of Choosing, Earning, And Ownership (2011)

by Richard Eyre(Favorite Author)
4.09 of 5 Votes: 5
1583334157 (ISBN13: 9781583334157)
Avery Trade
review 1: I listened to this book on CD and really loved many of the ideas presented. The main portion of the book outlines a system to help kids work in their home, earn money and spend it wisely. Although I've never really been a big fan of allowances, this is quite different and this book demonstrates how the ownership given to kids through this system can really help them gain responsibility, greater appreciation for the things they do enjoy and a greater sense of self worth. IT also lends greater meaning to things kids can do with their money rather than spending on themselves. Gift giving, charity and savings all have much more meaning when the money and thus the sacrifice is truly your own- because you worked for it. We are trying out a modified version of the system. ... more So far I'm loving it. But whether you buy into this system or not, there are a lot of good ideas in the book. It's getting a peek into the Eyre family and seeing how they raised their kids. It's a very proactive parenting approach... not waiting for problems and then dealing with them... but rather anticipating what your kids are going to need help with and what skills we can help them develop as soon as possible. Very values oriented. I like it and may have to follow up after we've used this system a bit longer.
review 2: Three and a half stars. I liked a lot of the ideas the Eyre's present in this book. It felt a little overwhelming at times, I am not sure if that is because it was just a little much to take in, or if I need to drastically update my parenting game plan. There are definitely things I will refer to and I even bought the book they suggested about having the big talk with your kids: "Where Did I Come From?" less
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Some great ideas we are trying to incorporate at our house...
Good reminder for me. Now for implementation...:)
Love this book. So many great ideas.
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