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Demon Days (2011)

by Richard Finney(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 4
0983704414 (ISBN13: 9780983704416)
Lono Publishing
review 1: “Do you really truly know how crazy this sounds? Because that would make me feel a whole lot better? “I wanted a fast-paced thriller that I could read on an airplane flight across country. “Demon Days” was certainly the book to answer the bell. I cracked it open on my lap top… had to wait until the plane took off to continue… then read the entire book before we landed. And that is a compliment because flight was a “Red Eye.”Rather than sleeping I got involved with Sandy Travis and her boyfriend, Tom. At first I thought they were going to be on a wild adventure together, but it turns out Tom is not himself after a helicopter accident. At least Sandy is the perfect person to figure out what’s behind Tom’s strange behavior.This is a little bit like “Inva... moresion of the Body Snatchers,” but it definitely has a vibe all of its own. This book is obviously kicking off something bigger, and yet the authors got the ball definitely headed in the right direction. I definitely want to read more. I admit to having met one of the authors (Richard Finney), through a friend of mine, but don’t know anything about him. Now I want to get to know him better. He and his partner can sure write.
review 2: Things were going great for journalist Sandy Travis until a romantic Hawaiian vacation. While on a scenic tour their helicopter crashes resulting in Tom having a near death experience. That event changes Tom into someone Sandy cannot recognize. He is convinced that during his experience he heard the words of God. She is skeptical. Work is also leading her into bizarre situations all pointing her to people who are acting dangerously erratic and who have also had the same experience as Tom. Sandy has to put her faith into her only ally, Father Olsen, and find the truth of what has happened to Tom while racing the clock to save him and many others.This is a unique perspective on an old plot. Usually when I read a familiar plot I can predict what will happen, but that was not the case with this novel. There were some twists and turns that kept me on my toes. The pacing was fast and there was so much action that when I sat down with this one I was amazed at how much I had read in a short amount of time. My only complaint is that I didn’t feel like I had enough information to get to know the characters. Otherwise I really enjoyed this and will have no problem recommending it. less
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It was not my cup of tea, but I really enjoyed it. :)
I won this book in a giveaway. Thank you.
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