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Sneaky Pie For President: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery (2012)

by Rita Mae Brown(Favorite Author)
2.82 of 5 Votes: 3
0345530462 (ISBN13: 9780345530462)
review 1: when I picked this book up at the library it was billed as a mystery. I enjoy the Sneaky Pie mysteries as an escape, especially if I've just read a really complicated plot type of book, but this one is definitely on my list of "step away from the book". After reading come of the other comments on Goodreads, I think the best description is a diatribe of facts and figures that will not stand the test of time. I understand that this was probably intended to comment on the political system in the US but it was too long, too boring and didn't seem to be going anywhere other than to convince people that animals are a great help to the economy. Please Rita Mae, don't try this again!
review 2: It is a rare thing where an author of fiction is given free reign with a
... more book, but Rita Mae Brown isn't a typical author. She's both critically acclaimed, primarily for her novel Rubyfruit Jungle, and commercially successful with her Mrs. Murphy mysteries. The combination of her critical and commercial success allowed her to write this book, a spleen-venting screed on the current political climate, using many characters from her mystery novels.I typically read Brown's mystery novels as an escape from more heavy reading, and this book is definitely a different than those novels, and I didn'thave much of a problem with the focus of the book. Truthfully, I was interested in how she presented her frustration after hearing an interview on the radio. However, the novel is extremely clunky--the plot, where Brown's cat (who is credited as a co-author on all of Brown's mystery novels) decides to run for president--flows slowly and boringly and the political points aren't handled well. It's a failure as a critique and a novel, and I would recommend that a casual writer of Brown's books, like myself, to avoid this one. less
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I read about 1/3 of this earlier today, and am not yet sure I will go back to it.
Seems like an extended add for the authors political opinion!
Can't seem to get through this one. Not her best work.
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