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In Flight (2012)

by R.K. Lilley(Favorite Author)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 2
R.K. Lilley
Up in the Air
review 1: Tak to jsem opravdu nečekal. Ale bavilo mě to. Na konci jsem se přistihla i u toho, že proklínám epilog a že to přece takto nemůže skončit. A ono to má i další díl ( což jsem samozřejmě netušila, protože jsem líná si něco takového zjistit) a kdy že má ten další díl vyjít. Akorát mě dost prudilo, že jsem opravdu nechápala, i když se o to spisovatelka dost snažila, jednání hlavních postav. Na můj vkus si dost protiřečili a jejich chování bylo naprosto zmatené, i když u této literatury nečekám žádné do hloubky rozebrané charaktery, tady o to byl takový pokus, který nějak nevycházel. Ale i přes to, je ta kniha pro mě jiná a trochu vyčnívá z těch všech posledních eroťáren, které v podstatě splývají v j... moreedno.
review 2: I liked the tone and the pace of this book. I loved Mr. Beautiful, although, even his domineering side. I couldn't help but find many (and by many I mean a LOT) of similarities between 50 Shades and this book. I did enjoy 50 shades as well, and it's not just the BDSM side of it that's making me think this. A lot of the plot twists, and even some of the dialogue is similar. I really loved that both, not just one of the MCs had horrific pasts, that they both were fighting their own separate demons. I love Stephan, I want my very own Stephan. Just to put in a box and keep under my bed, for when I need him. He's a sweetheart. Love love love him. It was different. I've never read a book that had an air hostess as an MC I loved that. I loved that we got to see inside the life of a frequent flyer. It was intriguing.Although the similarities I found did bother me somewhat, I still really enjoyed this story. I have downloaded the rest of the series and am currently reading Mile High (book 2). 3.5/4 stars. less
Reviews (see all)
Something missing from this story, I didn't feel it. Won't be gerToting the rest in the series.
prefer 50 shades to this.. halfway through and still boring so I will be skipping on this book
I love so much Mr Personnality !!! ❤️❤️ 5 stars.
yorumu sene bitmeden yayinda olucak yani umarim ^^
This was good, but also bad lol.
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