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The Widow's Walk: A Novel (2014)

by Robert Barclay(Favorite Author)
2.98 of 5 Votes: 1
0062218808 (ISBN13: 9780062218803)
William Morrow Paperbacks
review 1: It is sometimes said that a select few hear the call of the past in the songs of old and in the works of art that decorate museum walls. They are a people that respect the legends of past generations that help create an architecture of both brick and bone. This book is about one such person that both loves and respects the past. He is a man named Garrett Richmond and he has decided that he will restore a dying historical landmark called Seaside. Not knowing why he wishes to possess such as place, he puts both forth massive amounts of sweat and blood; for he see the potential that Seaside could be. Little to his knowledge does he know that Seaside holds a secret. Garrett is not alone in his new home, nor will he will he ever be as long as he remains there. A woman named Con... morestance Canfield resides in the home somewhere in between the living and the dead. A place where heaven and hell has forgotten about her. For Constance seventeen long decades have passed as she has watched the only place she has called home wither away. Curiosity and desperation has caused her to be bold and have her act out of turn. Can Garrett help Constance understand why she is still alive in Seaside? Why is it that only Garrett can see her? How can she break the curse that she is under?I have to say that I found this book to be very enjoyable. It was very different for me and I don’t think I have ever read anything quite like it before. I liked the character development and enjoyed the history that was brought into the story as well. It allowed me to get to know both Garrett and Constance a little better. I was actually surprised by the ending, which is good for me. I usually am able to predict the ending and was wrong on this one. I was pleasantly surprised by that and that was fun for me. I highly recommend this book and have no doubt most will enjoy its uniqueness.
review 2: This is less Nicholas Sparks and more Nora Roberts. It is an interesting story, but the dialog (internal and external) is hardly believable. And I feel as if there is so much detail that could have been given! Mostly, I'm wondering about the time- travel/ changing history thing. If Garrett became Adam, then the whole story of Adam dying and Constance disappearing would have been changed, which, in turn, would have changed history. Would Garret have even been born? less
Reviews (see all)
I really wanted to like this book, but it is so poorly written it was difficult to even finish.
Good book about a women who has been stuck in the between worlds for 17 decades
Story of true love that keeps you reading and can't wait to see how it ends!
1.5 stars. This book needed better writing, editing, and proof-reading.
Interesting premise, wish it had been carried out differently.
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