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If Wishes Were Horses (2011)

by Robert Barclay(Favorite Author)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 2
0062002171 (ISBN13: 9780062002174)
review 1: Author Robert Barclay had some prime ingredients to concoct a compelling story stew: grief, horse therapy, Alzheimer's, a few colorful characters ....... but his ingredient combinations/ratios ran amuck, became predictable and at times, rather juvenile. A reader feels the ratio is off, when the two main "love interest" persons offer less emotional value/satisfaction than a bratty teen, grouchy old man, and a couple dogs. Plot would have profited by more in depth explorations of equine therapy, Alz responsibilities, and less childish flirting by so-called adults. I did appreciate the relationship between the old man and the brat, as they both learned to value each other, in spite of Alz and past grief.
review 2: The story line intrigued me but the writing wasn
... more't what I had hoped for. The story was very predictable and failed to draw me in. I could have put it down but I kept hoping it would get better but alas it didn't. Angry teenage boy suddenly turns good once he gets to the horse ranch. Not enough growth in the characters. It feels like a promising first draft that could have used a lot of work before it was published. less
Reviews (see all)
Every major character blurted out unexpected and unnecessary profanity. Such a distraction.
This was a quick easy read. A bit of a tear jerker.
This was a better book then I thought it would be.
Good story of love and forgiveness
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