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Take The Stairs: 7 Steps To Achieving True Success (2012)

by Rory Vaden(Favorite Author)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 3
0399537236 (ISBN13: 9780399537233)
Perigee Trade
review 1: I met Rory while he was in Tampa as the keynote speaker for a Toastmasters conference. He was a skilled and interesting speaker with a track record of success, and that's why I ended up picking up his book from the back of the room.It was a good book, but it was really all of the material he covered from the stage with a little additional detail here and there; I was a little disappointed by that. I think he covered some good information that got into what you need to do if you want to be successful in life. His major focus was the idea of taking the stairs verses the escalator or the elevator, which was basically an analogy for being willing to grind out all the hard work that no one wants to do.I think he has an interesting gimmick to go along with the book where he was ... moreworking to climb the stairs to the top of the seven tallest buildings in the world.I thought it was a fairly easy read, and it had some decent lessons woven in between the stories Rory told.
review 2: this book is all about strategies for self discipline, and i agree with the author that in this day and age, there's more of a need for it than ever. the book is very readable and well-organized. i've taken the stairs since i've been reading it, so he's accomplished something with his metaphor!i appreciated his idea of creating unacceptable consequences in different situations. when you need to succeed, you can do things to push yourself when you don't give yourself the easy out.rory also acknowledges the proliferation of creative avoidance at work, as people find ways to be distracted, get bogged down in e-mail and lead or attend pointless meetings. we can get caught in filling our time unnecessarily.my favorite perspective in the book is around his law of the harvest, noting that we have seasons of work habits. in each industry, there are busy times when we push ourselves on the job. successful people he follows go through the same thing and also create their own 'seasons' by carving out time to exercise 3x a week or for a weekly date night.particularly clever is the concept of thinking about your week and where you're putting your time. easier than time tracking, every day, you can write down on a calendar how much time you spent [insert here] and see if by the end of the week, it's what you expected. this could be exercising, yoga, working, family time, professional development, etc. it's a simple way to see if you're actually spending your time in ways that help you meet your short and long-term goals.two last nuggets of wisdom...challenges in life and work are a matter of will and not skill.it's not about time management to get the job done, but self managementthese ideas reinforce the author's overall viewpoint that we control our own destinies. we have the power to change things in our life, even if creative avoidance and a narrow focus allow us to forget that sometimes. i finished the book feeling more empowered.who would have thought i'd find this many gems of wisdom from someone in bible sales with faith at the center of his motivation? i certainly didn't, but i was pleasantly surprised. less
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Such a great book! So applicable to everyone in all walks of life. Highly recommended!
I'm avoiding escalator when there are stairs now.
Good book on self-discipline.
Great book!
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