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Scandalous Deception. Rosemary Rogers (2009)

by Rosemary Rogers(Favorite Author)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 5
0263874079 (ISBN13: 9780263874075)
Mills & Boon
Russian Connection
review 1: Russia in rosa... Mi è piaciuta molto l'ambientazione in Russia, anche se avrei preferito un maggior approfondimento delle cause e dell'organizzazione della rivolta contro lo zar... il protagonista maschile per 3/4 del romanzo si comporta in modo troppo sicuro di sè e anche un po' prepotente, ma si riscatta nel finale, quando corteggia pazientemente Brianna, fino a conquistare la sua fiducia e il suo cuore...
review 2: First time reading this author - so far, not very impressed. Too many clichés and too obvious. Sex before you get to chapter 3? How stereotype!This book is so poorly written, I've had to challenge myself to finish reading this thing! I keep skipping huge chunks of it. I usually read a romance novel in less than a day. I read these books when I
... more don't want to think too much about what I'm reading. But this book has taken the better part of a week. And I've still got about a 100 pages to get through! Never, ever buy something by Rosemary Rogers. Never. It's not worth your money!The basic storyline is good, although she's given away the plot much too soon. But that's not what rubs me the wrong way. It's the way she writes. A 5th grader has better language than this! Ms Rogers doesn't grasp the concept of the English language. By gods, I don't even know how to describe how badly this is written! Not only did she make the leading girl a basketcase who has no sense of self, but the leading man is... Let me just say that if someone was talking like that to me, and treating me that way - I would bloody kill him!!! And the way these characters talk. No one talks like this!! No one ever has in the history of the world talked like this!!! No, Rosemary Rogers should not be allowed to write and publish books. Ever. Avoid this book if you can. less
Reviews (see all)
I was curious what Rosemary Rogers would write now that rape fantasies are passe.
annoying males, but one of the most beautiful romances i've read.
Loved it! Never a dull page.
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