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Just A Little Run Around The World: 5 Years, 3 Packs Of Wolves And 53 Pairs Of Shoes (2009)

by Rosie Swale Pope(Favorite Author)
3.94 of 5 Votes: 5
0007306202 (ISBN13: 9780007306206)
review 1: After Rosie's husband died of cancer, Rosie decided to set off from her home town in Wales and run around the world. She wanted to raise awareness of the prostrate cancer which had taken her beloved Clive and she was heartbroken so she needed a challenge to prepare for, plan and carry out. This amazing journey took her away from her home, children and grandchildren for years but she raised awareness and money not only for cancer but also for some of the causes and tragedies of life she encountered with people she met on her solo journey around the world. Second time I have read this book and it is an inspiring read.
review 2: This is a phenomenal, almost unbelievable true story of a woman of 57 who runs through frozen northern wastes in isolation in temperature
... mores down to minus 65C. Its a truly moving story thats puts us ordinary folk to shame. I cried through much of the book and can relate to much of the story. The only issue I have is that the book was rushed. I would have preferred a much longer, epic book about her 5 year trip. If anything this book understates her achievement which I think is a shame. I would have wished for longer, deeper descriptions, more daily detail as often 6 weeks at a time are just skipped. Also too many acknowledgments. I am happy to read about characters who support the heroine but their names, childrens names and pets was too much information. I would have liked the book to have been more tedious! Each day of survival must have been difficult and painstaking, especially in Siberia in minus 30, yet the narrative breezes through 4 weeks of solitary running and living in a tent as matter of fact. I think a ghost writer could have given a larger perspective on this feat. It makes her adventure shockingly ordinary because of the style with which she has written it. I would thoroughly recommend it though. I won't grumble at having to leave my comfy chair to put the kettle on again! less
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8CD version read by Joanna Mackie. So far so good. Amazing what a 57+ year old woman can do
Loved it . . . I am in awe of this lady !
Good adventure. Inspiring.
Loved it!
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