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The Big Red Book (2010)

by Rumi(Favorite Author)
4.51 of 5 Votes: 2
0061905828 (ISBN13: 9780061905827)
HarperCollins Publishers
review 1: One of the inscriptions on Rumi's tomb is: Do not look for him here, but rather in the hearts of those who love him.Raw, Well-Cooked, and BurntYou ask, Why do you cry with such sweetness all around?I weep as I make the honey, wearing the shirt of a bee,and I refuse to share this suffering.I am still raw, and at the same time well-cooked,and burnt to a crisp.No one can tell if I am laughing or weepingI wonder myself.How can I be separated and yet in union?
review 2: I'M IN LOVE ... and to quote Rumi:"lovers find secret places inside this violent worldwhere they make transactions with beauty"This book will remain on my "currently reading" list for the rest of my life! ... Coleman Banks (translator) sums it up in the introduction with: "Rumi's message can be sta
... moreted in many ways. It is the core of the core of every religion. It is the longing in a human being to live in unlimited freedom and joy, to move inside beauty, that most profound need of the human soul to flow with the namelessness that animates, luxuriates, burns, and transpires through form, enlivening what is as steam, mist, torrent, saliva, blood, ocean, cloud, coffee, wine, butterfly, hummingbird, energy and delight."I also like the connection Banks makes to between the poetry of Rumi with that of Walt Whitman, William Carlos Williams, and Galway Kinnell. less
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Simplicity, stillness, Insightful, gratitude in it's purest form.
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How does one speak of the poems that speak me?
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