Eating Pizza. To crust or not to crust.

Some people eat the whole pizza and some leave the crust. Why do they do that?

I am talking about the perfectly crusted crust that has been surrounding and supporting the main ingredients of the pizza for decades, even centuries. What has the crust ever done to deserve this fate? To be left cold and broken, scattered across the plate.

@SirPatStew in 2015

Can the crust not be treated the same? What is the reasoning for such segregation, when on other plates and pizza boxes, they are accepted as one of the main ingredients? A part of the experience. Heck! It is the main ingredient when considering it as the dough.

Even if, even if, the crust is eaten ‘just because’ or ‘it was there’ or “I can’t leave a plate empty”, the crust doesn’t take it to heart. The crust wants to be close to the action, not teased by fingers and forks. Ultimately, neglected and forgotten.

Sometimes, only when the most dedicated crust eater is present, will the crusts from other plates and pizza boxes be rescued from the black cave that ultimately becomes the fate for too many crusts across the world. The dedicated crust eater will abandon all rules and pleasantries to request non-crust eaters to offer up their left-behinds in order to save them from their preying doom.

I for one, am a crust eater and I am not ashamed to tell you that.

Perhaps, people don’t eat the crust because they have had their fingers all over it and they don’t wash their hands. I would question what it is about these people that make them your friends.

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