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Joseph Anton: A Memoir (2012)

by Salman Rushdie(Favorite Author)
2.69 of 5 Votes: 3
0812992784 (ISBN13: 9780812992786)
Random House
review 1: The book is truly wonderful, one of those which make you realise how beautiful the literary world can be. However, if you want to read this book in Serbian, please do not torture yourself. Unfortunately, good translators feel victimised if their work is underpaid, thus they merely give up, but there are others who think that they know English if they can use Google Translate. The same happened to this translation. An uneducated translator without a pinch of experience destroyed the book completely and made my life a misery while reading this book. I hope that this outcry will be heard and something will be done for the sake of all the people who end up thinking that the writer did not do a good job. Bad translation is death for good books.
review 2: I just fini
... moreshed this autobiographical book and am not sure how much I liked it. The writing was superb as expected, but I vacillated between thinking Mr. Rushdie's tale was somewhat aloof and uneventful (excluding his many romances) with thinking it was somewhat narcissistic. All books written about oneself would probably have a hint of narcissism depending on the reader's interpretation I suppose. I am left in neutral gear for now. less
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A huge commitment of a read. Full of arrogance and lacking a spine.
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