Blog Press 5

  • The definition of story is one’s telling of their personal journey or their telling of an ideal character’s journey. The ideal story has a character who has a conflict that they must face and resolve it in a sound manner. Good examples of this are Holden Caufield’s personal battle in The Catcher in the Rye and Beowulf’s battle with external forces in the epic Beowulf.
  • Stories and storytelling help teach us more about literacy because as we read an interesting story, we develop better vocabulary and a more abstract thought process. Sometimes stories have symbols and signs that we may not pick up on and will have to use technology to understand them. Stories that could be useful to help understand literacy and digital literacy would be The Great Gatsby and The Harry Potter Series.
  • The story I intend to create involves the amazing development of how a child morphs into an adult and I will explore how digital literacy plays a part in it. The development of a person is fascinating to me not only in a physical sense, but how they act and how their character matures as they age. Many factors go into the development of an adult, and I think as the years go by, technology will continue to impact that development even more so. The ability to surf the web and start learning new things or researching about current events can lead to a more developed and mature individual.
  • final word count (244)

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