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The Best American Short Stories 2008 (2008)

by Salman Rushdie(Favorite Author)
3.8 of 5 Votes: 4
0618788778 (ISBN13: 9780618788774)
Mariner Books
review 1: I have a little collection of these annual anthologies--going all the way back to 1995! But sometime in the mid-2000s I fell behind in reading them, so now I'm trying to get caught up. Although I do always find at least one or two stories in each year's volume that stick with me through time, it's actually not that common that I find a volume that is extraordinary in its entirety. But I think this volume is one such; I pretty literally couldn't put it down, and each story only made me want to read the next one even more. Plus, since these stories were all first published as stories in 2007-2008, by 2013, many of them have been republished in collections by the authors, and have gotten rave reviews (Karen Russel, George Saunders, etc.). So it was a pleasant surprise to find... more them here as well.
review 2: I was all sort of, "Meh," about this, and I'm not sure if it was because of the stories or if it was because I just have a tendency to be bored by short stories (making my enrollment in an MFA fiction program a suspicious choice). There were a few good ones in here, "The Year of Silence," (Kevin Brockmeier), "Man and Wife," (Katie Chase), and "Straightaway," (Mark Wisniewski), but overall I wasn't so much reading to get to the next story as I was just reading to get to the next book. less
Reviews (see all)
Like all anthologies, it has stories good and bad. There should be something to appeal to everyone.
A great collection of short fiction from a variety of sources on a variety of subjects.
Definitely an interesting collection of stories.
Because I'm always looking for new authors.
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