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The Dead Women Of Juárez (2000)

by Sam Hawken(Favorite Author)
3.41 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Hawken's novel is gritty, visceral and all too real. Unlike some reviews have mentioned, I don’t think The Dead Women of Juarez slowed down at all in the last half. True, it was a shade less violent and more of a slow burner, but the build up to the ending was pretty intense and emotional. I found myself flying through the last twenty or so pages on a sweltering bus and ended up staying on after my stop was long gone just to finish. A brilliant novel with violence that’ll make your stomach turn and characters so believable you feel like you might just know them already. It’s hard to believe that feminicidios are still going on in Ciudad Juarez—makes your heart weep.
review 2: Hawken's debut novel is based on the feminicidios – more than 3,000 mur
... moreders of women in the past 20 years – that are committed in the Mexican border city of Juárez. Young women disappear and turn up dead (if at all) bearing the marks of rape and abuse and this true fact was definitely the reason for this novel. It's certainly a heartfelt book, but at the same time brutal, unforgiving and a page turner. less
Reviews (see all)
Fascinating story which although not written in a page-turner way is unpredictable and atmospheric
a strange yet compelling book. I really couldn't second guess what was going to happen either.
Trust me, just read it. I expect this book to be one of my favorites of the year.
Not a bad crime story but it was a bit predictable at times.
it was alright - a bit predictable
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