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Jeszcze Rok (2010)

by Sana Krasikov(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 3
Wydawnictwo Czarne
review 1: A collection of stories relating the bleak stark, lives of immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Urban America. The dislocation between their current dreary lives and their aspirations is jarring. I read the French translation entitled "L'an prochain a Tbilissi" and the book may have lost something in translation, I found it difficult to get into the stories. These stories are often a sad portrait of those in search of a better life, finding things are so much more difficult in a country not your own, and there is a nostalgic longing for the home country, be it Russia or Georgia or another of the ex soviet states.
review 2: source: FT review (oct09) by john thornhill.review excerpt: book of eight short stories, focuses mainly on the disconnected lives of �
... more�migrés as they try to establish coherent identities for themselves in the US. She is an author of wry, and at times dazzling, talent. But despite their promise and charm, her early stories fail to crystallise. It is only in her final two tales, “The Repatriates” and “There Will Be No Fourth Rome”, when her subjects return to Moscow, that the book bursts into authentic life.remember - get it cheap because might not like 6/8 stories! less
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short stories and a little depressing. She has a different perspective for sure.
very iowa writer's workshop.
Not bad a pretty good read
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