Graphic artist and author Lucy Knisley tells an autobiographical life story as it relates to food. Being the daughter of a chef and a gourmet, Knisley explores where her obsession for food came from and how her experiences in the kitchen shaped her life. Sure to make you smile and laugh, this is a wonderful graphic novel that is sure to stick with you long after you finish reading. PLUS, it’s got some great recipes to try, meaning this story has so many great reasons to warrant a revisit!
Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley★★★★★
Genre: Nonfiction/Graphic Novel
Release Date: April 2013
Source: Library – Borrowed
On My Shelf: I Seriously Don’t Know Why It Isn’t!?
There’s not much I can say other than I love love LOVED this one! I’ve been a fan of Knisley for awhile now and even met her at a convention. I’m always pleased with her work. Knisley has a storytelling ability that shines as it’s accompanied by her beautiful artwork.
There’s not one bad thing that I can say about this book. In all honesty, I found no flaws within the pages and was actually surprised at how much I liked everything about this book. Not that I was surprised that I liked it, but I was surprised how much I liked it. This quickly became my favorite graphic memoir by Knisley. There was just something about these stories that Sparkled.
Plus, the added recipes is such a great bonus! I checked this book out from the Library, so I wasn’t able to try any of the recipes, but it’s definitely something I’m looking forward to when I get my own copy.
Overall, I highly highly recommend this read. Knisley’s storytelling is wonderful, and fresh, and completely interesting. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of this book for you own.
Get Your Copy from Book Depository Here – $12.50
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