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Palace Of Spies (2013)

by Sarah Zettel(Favorite Author)
3.53 of 5 Votes: 4
0544074114 (ISBN13: 9780544074118)
HMH Books for Young Readers
Palace of Spies
review 1: I would have given it even higher marks; however, this isn't a YA book in my opinion. This reads like a regular romance novel that happens to have a teenage protagonist. It has very sexual undertones: an attempted rape; mentions of the kings mistress; witnessing a lovers tryst; etc. While nothing overt/explicit, it is more adult in content and in writing style/language than most of my teens would be willing to invest. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and WILL be recommending it to my teen girls who like romance and mysteries.
review 2: This was *just* like period romances (like the ones by Eloisa James, with plenty of talk about the fashions, but centered on a witty, intelligent female), but it's a mystery & spy story...and - most importantly - a mu
... morech better model for young women than the usual bodice-ripper romance novels. I very much enjoyed this, and it's totally appropriate for teens, or even pre-teens. When a handsome, noble, but unfamiliar man manhandles and gropes her inappropriately, she puts him in his place, and that is truly the end of his presence in the story. She moves on! It's almost unbelievable, it is so unlike every other romance novel. less
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good mystery for a young adult book, held my interest until the very end
Fun read with lots of history mixed in with the story!
DNF 20%, just could not get into.
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