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Dangerous Deceptions (2014)

by Sarah Zettel(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 2
0544074092 (ISBN13: 9780544074095)
HMH Books for Young Readers
Palace of Spies
review 1: Peggy Fitzroy is a lady in waiting to Princess Caroline in the 1716 London court. Like many other women of her time, she is betrothed to a man not of her choosing, but she is hoping to break this arrangement so that she can be with the love of her life, Matthew. The lessons she has learned during her training to become a spy are put to good use when her fiancé returns to court with plans to claim her. Peggy must uncover the truth about her family and that of her fiancé in order to have any chance of getting out of this marriage. Does Peggy have the spy skills necessary to break this agreement?Dangerous Deceptions is the second book in the Palace of Spies series. Whether the reader enjoys a good mystery or is a fan of historical fiction, they will find equal pleasure... more with this book. Peggy speaks to the reader throughout the book as she is chronicling her escapes in journal entries. The banter recorded is quick witted if not simple, but since all information is coming from the Peggy, the reader is kept in the dark about events outside of her knowledge. A fun read … but will not please all readers.
review 2: Disclaimer: I won this book on Goodreads.I liked this book. I have not read book one of the series, but I did not have any problem figuring out the characters or how they related to each other. It was interesting seeing court life from the inside, but not from the viewpoint of a royal. The intrigue and the mystery were good. The ending solved the current mystery, but it left the way open for sequels. This is good, because the author has already written one. The time and place of the series could spawn many novels. My only problem is I want to know Peggy's age. If it is mentioned in the book, I missed it. less
Reviews (see all)
Ok. Nice story and the final 100 pages were the best, but the plot and characters didn't engage me.
Oi! Another YEAR until the next book comes out?! How am I supposed to wait that long?!
Expected publication: November 4th 2014 by HMH Books for Young Readers
DNF. Could not get into
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