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Nocturnal (2012)

by Scott Sigler(Favorite Author)
4.12 of 5 Votes: 5
0307406342 (ISBN13: 9780307406347)
review 1: The problem with trying to incorporate the police procedural with "urban fantasy" is that the procedural works best when approached from a singular viewpoint, this work just has to many narratives and not enough character development. Really a big fan of Sigler'sprevious novels Ancestor, infected, and Contagious. This was still an entertaining read and look forward to reading some of the galactic football stuff.
review 2: I am huge fan of this author and really wanted to give it 5 stars. It just fell short in comparison to Infected, Contagious & Ancestor. I knew the plot was not going to be the same, but I enjoyed his writing style so went ahead and purchased it. It is a good read, but I was blown away by his other work that had I read this novel first I mig
... moreht have rated it higher. Still a HUGE FAN and can't want for his next novel! less
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Probably a 2.5. The book started out good, but dragged towards the end.
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