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Tigers And Devils (2012)

by Sean Kennedy(Favorite Author)
4.16 of 5 Votes: 3
1935192450 (ISBN13: 9781613727041)
Dreamspinner Press
Tigers and Devils
review 1: 3.5 stars. I liked the friendship between Simon and Roger as much as, if not more than the romance between Simon and Declan. The author does a good job of showing the complicated dynamics of two men who are lifelong best friends after one of them comes out of the closet. As for the romance, it starts out strong but then it gets bogged down in repetitive misunderstandings and miscommunications. At the end of the day I wasn't sure that Declan and Simon had grown or learned or changed enough that their relationship would survive in the long run.
review 2: this wasn't a novel i hated, but it was one i struggled to finish. it was very repetitive with the same misunderstandings and interactions ad nauseum. the height of humor seemed to be:character 1: "you bastard.
... more" character 2 punching character 1. that's okay every once in a while, but it was the same, over and over. there were scenes that were quite funny, but they were few and far between with most of the emphasis on slapstick. the book really needed tightening up to keep the meandering plot engaging, the friends were shallow accessories to the point where fran and lisa are interchangeable, and there needs to be more chemistry between the love interests. this novel was lacking the wit to make it something memorable. the emphasis of the novel is more on romance than sex, which is okay. i tend to like my romance novels more on the explicit side, but this was fine. little to no sex in a novel is much better than bad sex. however, if the emphasis is going to be on the romance, i want something stronger than what i got. other than they both like to call each other 'bastard' and 'wanker', and punch each other, there wasn't much that made these characters' passions reach beyond the pulped wood they were printed on. a few moments, like seeing simon forgive declan after a fight when declan is chewing his inner cheek, a nervous habit he has, are beautiful. i needed more of those interactions to show me how deep they loved each other. it's the details like that, that can life a novel from okay to good.that said, what the book really excels at is relationship dynamics. the characters are very real in that sense. i can understand the heartaches, the jealousies, and the rivalries that exist in a friendship. those aspects of the novel are excellently crafted. kennedy has potential as a writer. dialogue needs work, but there were genuine moments of heartache that i could attach to. less
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one of the most realistic portrayls of realtionships....
Story - 5+ starsPerformance - 5+ starsOverall - 5+ stars
4.5 stars
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