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Daddy, Daddy & Me (2011)

by Sean Michael(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 3
1610407237 (ISBN13: 9781610407236)
Torquere Press
review 1: 2.5 stars. I was in the mood for something sweet with a hint of angst. That's what this book delivered, but I couldn't connect with the two MCs. There was something about the way this book was written that kept me distant from the characters (the short sentences and phrases and the repetition?)The kids were utterly adorable, but Don was irritating. He always had the right answers, though this was his first hands-on nanny job. I felt like he brushed off little Robin's pain over the loss of his mother.Don especially worked my nerves when something awful happens to the family, and he doesn't allow Jeff to feel angry about it. Yes, it's probably best not to dwell on the bad, but you're allowed to feel bad immediately after something terrible happens without someone trying to P... moreolly-Anna you to death. If I were Jeff, I would have told Don to f*** off. The kid cuteness factor saved this one for me, but it was also nice to read about two MCs who weren't players, didn't have a past full of random hookups and truly wanted to build a family together.
review 2: Actually I never >read< the book, but I won an audio-book and so instead I listened to it.Anyway, if you're up for total fluff between an accidental dad and his manny, if you don't want any major drama and also if you don't mind getting a sugar-shock because of too much sweetness, then this is the right feel-good book for you :)And btw: the audio-book is totally awesome, the narrator did a great job, and - on a side-note - I now know that I notice the word "fuck" more often when I hear it than when I read it ;) less
Reviews (see all)
Cute, fun, not thrilled that the bad guy got away. Loved Donny and Jeff though. Kids were adorable.
3.5* rounded up to 4*
So beautifully sweet.
Very sweet story.
Muy lindo.
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