Catwoman Vol. IV (6 books in series)

Catwoman tomo 4 (2013)
2.61 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: A big step up from the previous volume but this still isn't up to snuff with what I'd hope from Catwoman. The turf war with Penguin was interesting, though, as was the set up of an entire network of underground tribes living below Gotham. While it felt a little silly and unrealis...
Catwoman tomo 2: La noche de los búhos (2012)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Actual Rating: 3 1/2 starsVolume 2 is smaller than Volume 1... in actual size and in quality. After enjoying Vol.1 so much, I had high hopes for this series. The artwork was pretty great as was the writing style and the plot but for some reason Vol.2 didn't carry all those featur...
Catwoman tomo 1 (2012)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Really more of a three and half and I'm a bit torn about this one. On one hand this is a brash, daring, mixed up Selina Kyle who can kick butt when she has to. The art is fantastic and Catwoman does not mess around. On the other hand we get a lot of Catwoman in strange poses to g...
Catwoman, Vol. 3: Death of the Family (2013)
2.88 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Well this was kind of a jumbled hot mess of a story. I don't need all my stories to interconnect, but I don't think it's too crazy to ask that there be some organization. We were jumping through time and it was really hard for me to figure out if we were in the present or where I...
Catwoman, Vol. 2: Dollhouse (2013)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Not as good as the first volume. The art seems a little flashy when it should have been dark(er). As to the story, I'm not sure where Catwoman's new partner/boss Gwen came from (I don't recall if she was part of volume one), but there's not really any reason given here why Selina...
Catwoman, Vol. 1: The Game (2012)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Catwoman Volume 1- The Game 5 Stars, Buy it Self purchase, Kindle edition First Impression: Wow. First issue starts with a bang, in more way than one. Batman makes an appearance. Loving this so far. Art is fabulous.  SPOILERS  LOVE that catwoman and batman have sex. Well done sex...