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Tyce (2011)

by Shareef Jaudon(Favorite Author)
4.43 of 5 Votes: 3
0615454283 (ISBN13: 9780615454283)
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review 1: I've read a lot of street lit, and I must say this author has some real talent. He has a very interesting and suspenseful writing style which keeps you guessing. While there were more editing errors than one can count, I try not to hold that against the authors. The story wasn't the most exciting one ever told, but the presentation of it made it enjoyable. You can tell that the story was well thought out and the twists and turns throughout the book always meet up to make sense. I really liked that. I also appreciated the closure at the end even though there are sequels. I don't feel forced to continue on with the series (even though I still will) because of an incomplete story told (which is normally the case in book series).
review 2: I really never expected t
... morehis book to be that good,BUT IT WAS!!! I couldnt even put this book down as I flipped through the pages of this hot book.Tyce was a no nonsense type of guy that didn't stand for the dope game.He loved making money ,but refused to take the chance of being caged up like a animal.He never expected love to come knocking at his back door NOT ALONE KNOCK TWICE! It never fails to have a snake in your garden and Tyce just had to learn the hard way,but people are always not as loyal as they seem .Check out this great book for youyrself I guarentee it will have you at the edge of your seat!!!!! less
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I liked Tyce, I enjoyed this book, it was a page turner. Waiting on pt 2, pt 2and 3 was awesome!
distracting errors but a guilty pleasure. easy read.
Cant wait to start on Tyce 2.
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