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Car Wash (2009)

by Shawn Lane(Favorite Author)
3.49 of 5 Votes: 3
1602725292 (ISBN13: 9781602725294)
Amber Quill Press
Car Wash
review 1: What I’m reading right now is kind of dark and heavy, so I wanted a little break from that and I figured I’d read something light and fun in between. This was light, yes. Fun? Not particularly. Kevin Flaherty has been laid off his old job, and now he’s struggling on minimum wage at a carwash, with a boss that is creepy and a paycheck that doesn’t even cover rent…let alone food. He’s had to make a lot of sacrifices, and still he can’t keep things together. One day as he comes home he spots an eviction notice, the figurative nail in the coffin. Who walks into the carwash then if not his teen-year crush Michael Bennett? Michael refused him when Kevin was 15; now they’re both grownups and Michael can hardly wait to have Kevin. So into his life he swoops, and tr... moreies to fix everything that’s wrong so that they can be together and live happily ever after…it’s just that he never really asked Kevin how he felt about that and the confrontation that follows could perhaps ruin everything…?Kevin is on a steady fall downwards, then comes prince charming and saves the day. That’s the story. There’s no tension, no romance, no drama, no surprises, the characters are flat and lifeless…and the sex isn’t even that hot. Yeah, I wasn’t amused. Technically the writing was ok, it’s just that there was so little substance to this book…just words, no story, that it hardly registered as anything when it passed before my eyes. I needed…Something. Something different, sexy, scary, unexpected…or whatever. Just something, but I didn’t get that, and my rating of this book reflects that.
review 2: I liked this story. It was nothing earth-shattering, but I liked Kevin and Michael. Kevin is a bit of a lost soul and he's pretty down on his luck when his teenage crush comes charging in - not on a white horse, but in a red Maserati! Michael recognizes him right away and invites him to dinner. He rejected Kevin when he was 15 and Michael was 21 and Kevin has never really gotten over that. He is of course still attracted to Michael and he's a little bit stunned that Michael would want him since he's obviously doing very well. Michael likes to control things and he decides to take care of all of Kevin's problems - mostly without talking to him - which goes over like a lead balloon. But turns out that Michael and Kevin really don't do very well away from each other once they've been together. Very cute and very sweet the way Michael wants to take care of Kevin. I enjoyed the story of how they got together. less
Reviews (see all)
A nice enough read but in the of end i felt it was a little to predictable
It was a sweet story, though I wish it was richer in terms of content.
awesome. hot. i loved the characters and the story. wonderful book!
MxM, Read in 2011
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