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The Dark-Hunters, Vol. 2 (2010)

by Sherrilyn Kenyon(Favorite Author)
4.34 of 5 Votes: 2
0312554001 (ISBN13: 9780312554002)
St. Martin's Griffin
Dark-Hunter Manga
review 1: This was an interesting volume in the series. It wraps up the plot line for Kyrian and Amanda and Desiderius. This review wasn't as good as the first though. There were a lot more errors, mainly grammar ones and instances here the dialogue was in the wrong bubbles so Kyrian would ask himself a question. LOL! The plot got a bit confusing to me - I still don't really understand the climax of the book and how it was solved but oh well. It was still entertaining I guess. I am going to read the rest of the volumes but I have a feeling the first volume is going to end up being the best one. Things are just too rushed and not explained well enough.
review 2: The manga adaptation of Kenyon's Dark-Hunter paranormal romance series is very well done. It looks as tho
... moreugh two manga will equate to each novel. This is very reasonable. The stories are necessarily edited to accommodate the different medium, but are not short-changed in the process. I do wish that the titles conveyed which books were being adapted rather than just doing numbered volumes. D-H volumes 1 and 2 are adapted from "Night Pleasures." Highly recommended. less
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I love the story the art is well drawn and the gents are distinctive and pretty. Great plot.
Now I need to start re-reading the DH series from the beginning!
I love Dark Hunters Series!!!
Is a great book to read
Loved it
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