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La Famiglia (2013)

by Sienna Mynx(Favorite Author)
4.56 of 5 Votes: 2
The Divas Pen LLC
Battaglia Mafia
review 1: I am going to tell you when I first started the series, I didn't care for it too much. The characters didn't appeal to me and I especially wasn't too fond of Giovanni, The main male Character. I just thought he was too Controlling And the main female Character Mira, was trying too hard to Convince herself that this was the type of Man She wanted. Even with all of that, I still read the first 3 books and waited for the 4th. Before I even thought about getting into the 4th book. I felt like something had to be missing so with in a week I re read the lst Three. the reread Let me look into the Series with A whole new light. Once I got into the 4th book, It was great! Some of the characters were very well developed. The story that was told was very well written. my favorite C... moreharacter was Marietta. She was a bit Unstable but bold. Mira, in this book really matured. She seem much more wise. Out of the 4, this is by far the Best of the 4.
review 2: 5 PLUS AWESOME STARS. I love this series and this installment is my absolute favorite so far. Sienna Mynx rocks with the continuation of this great story. So many sub-plots , twists and turns that is all SM and perfectly executed and thoroughly explained. Especially enjoyed the flashbacks. They added depth to the characters and sucked you into the story more and more. Sex scenes were way HOT and there was plenty throughout the story. Just enough cliffhangers to keep me totally intrigued and begging for more. Kudos to Sienna Mynx for a job well done. Did I mention...I loved this book... PS Giovanni Battaglia... is without a doubt... my most favorite hero! less
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I think I'm dying here...Really..This wait is killing me!!!!!
Simply amazing and dang emotional...BRAVO!!
outstanding story telling.
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