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ABC Kids (2011)

by Simon Basher(Favorite Author)
3.79 of 5 Votes: 4
0753464950 (ISBN13: 9780753464953)
review 1: Each letter of the alphabet gets an alliterative sentence with an amusing illustration, then one noun in the sentence is featured on the facing page with the dog or whatever it is redrawn by itself. This seems like a good way to let kids identify spoken with written words on their own. The single noun will also be capitalized unlike in the sentence, so that subtly teaches the two casing forms.The art is simple and stylized against a plain background, instead of complex. This is probably better for younger kids even if older kids and adults might prefer something more byzantine.
review 2: Genre: alphabet bookCopyright: 2011This book introduces alphabet and gives each letter a sentences with the same first letter. For instance, the introduction of D comes with "D
... moreexter's dog dances dreadfully". Also, Readers could see a picture which shows the dog is dancing dreadfully. The cute illustrations not only present the condition of the sentences, but also could attract children. It is a great book to teach alphabet and let children learn more different words start with the same first letter. less
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Alliterative sentences or single words through the alphabet.
Clever, colorful, alliterative, and fun!
Excellent use of alliteration.
Fun ABC book
its good
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