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This Is Getting Old: Zen Thoughts On Aging With Humor And Dignity (2010)

by Susan Moon(Favorite Author)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 4
1590307763 (ISBN13: 9781590307762)
review 1: In the first part of the book the author shares some of the joys and frustrations of growing older and some "zen" thoughts on how to accommodate to the changes. Gradually the books morphs into an autobiography of her life as a sixty-something live-alone woman with a dying mother. While the autobiographical section brings up life issues of aging parents, being alone, etc., there is a decided change to the book's tone. While autobiography is fine, I certainly got more benefit from the first part of the book.
review 2: THIS IS GETTING OLD: Zen Thoughts on Aging with Humor and Dignity by Susan Moon. Susan is a writer and longtime Zen Buddhist who teaches popular writing workshops. This book is a collection of essays on the "sometimes confusing, sometimes poignant,
... more sometimes hilarious condition of being a woman over sixty." With chapter titles like "Where Did I Put My Begging Bowl" (those senior moments), "Leaving the Lotus Position" (joints that refuse to work), "The Tomboy Returns" (return to childhood), "Tea with God", "Alone with Everyone" (something I'm going through now after the death of Mr. Dragon), I really did think this would be the book for me. I was disappointed. I'm not sure what I expected, but I didn't get it ... then again ... maybe I did and I just haven't realized it yet!!!!! less
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This book is funny, sad, insightful, light, heavy - all of the above.I really enjoyed it.
Wonderful book, I won't say more but it's definitely worth reading.
a call and thoughtful book with many comforting insights.
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