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I Wish I Could Say I Was Sorry... (2014)

by Susie Kelly(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 2
Blackbird Digital Books
review 1: Modestly described as ‘a memoir of life in post-war London, colonial and post-colonial Kenya, and a dysfunctional family’, I must admit I was interested because I was also living in Kenya at the same time as Susie, during the difficult and dangerous transition to independence.I was delighted with the evocative details on almost every page that took me right back to my childhood. What I didn’t expect was to be put through every emotion from laugh-out-loud humour to heart-wrenching sadness. This is a wonderful recollection of a fascinating life – yet also a story which Susie admits was very difficult for her to write.One of the unusual benefits of reading on a Kindle is the option to see what other readers have highlighted – and one of the most frequent was the poi... moregnant line ‘when people suffer terrible losses they need to have an opportunity to talk about them.’This book had me gripped from the first page and left me feeling quite emotional at the end. Susie wins my ‘best book of the year’ without hesitation for the quality of her writing and the honesty and truth which makes it such a great read. I highly recommend I Wish I Could Say I Was Sorry and happily award a rare five out of five stars.
review 2: Phew, this was quite a heavy read!Basically an autobiography of a young girl's life... a girl who was badly treated by her family. There are surely two sides to the story and Sue could well have been a more difficult child than she makes out.But the coldness with which she was treated by so many people is mind-boggling.For all that, it's a fascinating look at Kenya in the "colonial days", Italian families, British stiff-upper-lip, and the rough side of xenophobia and social prejudice. less
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Boring, waste of time, her life could have been a lot worse, she needs to get over it.
Not every life story is interesting or worth writing about.
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