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I'm Too Young For This!: The Natural Hormone Solution To Enjoy Perimenopause (2013)

by Suzanne Somers(Favorite Author)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 5
1299848273 (ISBN13: 9781299848276)
review 1: As always, Suzanne doesn't disappoint with this easy to read book which is packed with lots of great information everyone needs to know. I would recommend this book to anyone that is approaching mid life. Several years ago, I was diagnosed with severe period pain as a result of uterine fibroids. I was obese and not healthy. My doctor advised me to lose weight and put me on traditional birth control pills to help control the pain and heavy bleeding. After two years, I lost nearly 60 pounds and I stopped taking the pill when I hit a weight loss plateau. I thought I had balanced my hormones. I was feeling great and my periods were lighter, regular, and nearly pain free. After quitting the birth control pills I lost another 30 pounds-making a 90lb total weight loss. I eat a p... morerimarily plant based diet now and take several supplements daily but I could improve on the exercise regimen. Just when I thought I had everything in control, life has thrown me another curveball. I recently experienced some symptoms which may indicate a hormonal imbalance. After reading this book, I am seriously considering the benefits of bioidentical hormones. You can only achieve optimal health when your life and hormones are balanced.
review 2: I got this book after seeing Suzanne Somers on a random talk show. I might have changed the channel, but she was describing some symptoms that have been plaguing me and so she caught my interest.This book has a lot of good information, most of which I would never hear from my mainstream doctors. Somers also does a good job of talking through the transition to menopause (which can start 13 years earlier than women realize). But where my doctors have said, "it's just your age, you'll have to adjust," she suggests ways (backed up with research) to improve the quality of your life as you age.But to be clear, this isn't a magic pill solution. She does recommend some testing, and then finding a supportive doctor to guide you through the trial and error of determining the correct doses for your particular needs. It will be a while before I can manage that process, so I won't know the long-term effectiveness of the information in this book for a while. I have an alternative doctor who has already walked me through some of this, but realize now that a hormone specialist would probably be the next step.Some people complain that she pushes certain products and a particular website. That didn't bother me. Somers is suggesting an alternative solution, and you may not find a supportive doctor at your local clinic or the right products at Target or Walgreen's. So I'd rather have a starting place even if I ultimately choose a different path. less
Reviews (see all)
Informational, not sure I will follow it but at least I am knowledgeable
Just didn't find interest in this to really enjoy it.
Very informative, learned a lot.
I feel more informed now!!
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