Journey Across Zombie Texas–Rhiannon Frater

A few months ago I reviewed the second book of the Living Dead Boy series by Rhiannon Frater, author of the fabulous As the World Dies series, well I am happy to tell you that the third and final book Journey Across Zombie Texas was released last week and it’s the conclusion you don’t want to miss.

So many author run out of steam by the time they come to finish a trilogy but this series keeps up the excitement and action to the very last word and leaves you with just enough mystery to want to know what happens next. And who knows, we may just see young Josh all grown up and killing his way across Texas once more.

Josh and the Zombie Hunters have to once again fend off Chad before finally being reunited with Sam’s sheriff father and taken to safety in a walled town with him and his girlfriend. Once again adults are making decisions for them but Josh desperately wants to be reunited with his father and baby brother at the FEMA camp in San Angelo.

The Zombie Hunters have to escape the town and the sheriff and his police officer girlfriend, as well as evade Chad and find a way to get across Texas so Josh can find his family, oh and avoid or kill any zombies that get in their way. A big ask for a group of adults so should be impossible for a bunch of kids, but these are the Zombie Hunters and if Josh knows anything, he knows how to deal with zombies.

But their numbers start to drop even before they manage to escape the walled town which is under siege from a zombie horde. With Corina badly injured, Sam gallantly offers to return to the town with her while the other four carry on to San Angelo. Not knowing when he will see the girl he loves again, Josh has to make the decision whether to stay with her or find his family. The pull of family is to strong, so with Troy, Danny and Dulcie (who’s mother is in the same camp.) He fights his way through zombies, idiots and adults to reach his destination.

As with all her books, Rhiannon never lets us down. She always has a great story arc and strong, believable characters. It can’t have been easy to get into the mind of a 12 year old boy and make the storyline as strong as she has but she has done an amazing job. A fantastic end to a really good series and I was sad to see it finished. Although it is a YA series and written from the view point of  a young protagonist, don’t be put off, it is a story that suits all ages. The way it is written makes the children in it sound and act as kids but at the same time maturing very quickly as any kid would have to do in such a situation. With the strong knowledge base Josh had built up pre ZA and the capability of kids to adapt quickly and think outside the box, it is easy to see why his friends follow him and also why some adults would be willing to listen to him. A lot of kids that are written as a protagonist come across as annoying little know it all’s but Josh and his friends know what they need to do and just go ahead and get it done.


A series well worth adding to you TBR list. Rhiannon Frater should always be on your list of authors, she has such a large array of books from Vampire to Zombie and beyond. Two series I would recommend is As the World Dies and The Tale of the Vampire Bride. Both great series, not to be missed.

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading

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