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A Dragon's Seduction (2012)

by Tamelia Tumlin(Favorite Author)
3.27 of 5 Votes: 4
Steel Magnolia Press
The Gatekeepers
review 1: This is really a charming story and I really wanted to give it more stars but I am one picky reader. Maybe I am too picky. I have to give Tumlin full marks that she kept me turning pages on my Kindle, wondering what was coming next. I also have to mention it because it is so vital to me: I was never once jerked out of the story by poor grammar, syntax or spelling mistakes. First off, it lost a star because it was too short! I felt cheated when I reached the end of it. I felt certain there had to be more to it than this. There was a lot of stuff that was just plain overlooked and should have been developed. Such as the relationship between Jarithia and Earth. The main thing about any Speculative Fiction is that builds worlds. Science fiction and the fantasy genres sha... morere this. Paranormal romance novels which are a sub-group within speculative fiction also need to build a convincing world. Sadly, this aspect was not developed in this book. I was left with too many unanswered questions. Why Earth? Does Jarithia have this relationship with other planets?Secondly, another way in which the world was not developed was Our Hero. For a shapeshifter from another planet, Braydon was much too human for someone who had only assumed a human form so he could live on our planet. Which immediately raises the question: what is his real form? Oh, yeah, sure, he could turn into a dragon but that was almost a throwaway in this story. I was left with too many questions. What is it like to be a dragon? What does it feel like to fly? He kept talking about the dragon as if it were a different creature and not part of him. Was the dragon Braydon's true form on his home planet? Human literature is full of tales of dragons. I think Tumlin really needed to work with this. Have Braydon speculate perhaps on the human view vs Jarithian views of dragons such as nature, values, motivations. One thing Tumlin did mention was that as a shapeshifter, Braydon could only make love with a woman who truly loved him or he would lose his ability to change shape and would for the rest of his life be stuck in dragon form. I suppose from that we are to infer that he was a virgin which does make for a nice change in a romance novel.Thirdly, there is Our Heroine, Callie. She strikes me as TSTL heroine. TSTL= Too Stupid To Live for those unfamiliar with the anacronym. It is implausible to me that she was so ignorant of her brother's true character. After all, she did grow up with him. She also mentioned that she had been back and forth between Jarithia and Earth several times so how could she possibly have been as ignorant of sorcery as she is? Yes, I know that she decided not to develop her own powers, but surely in these trips back to the home world she would have learned the history of sorcery?Her brother was a cliche villain with no character development to speak of. I find it hard to believe that he had no inner conflict. I betcha when he was a baby she loved him. I bet they played together as children. Hard for me to believe that their father could have so completely persuaded the brother to have evil plans for Callie without some sort of inner turmoil. The fourth thing that bothered me was the names the jarithians used on Earth. They are just so human. Ok Ok, I get it that they are passing for human but I really wanted the names to sound a little bit more alien.There was so much potential which was overlooked. The backstory was missing. Why was Cyrus as he was? Why did Callie's mom marry such a despicable man? How could Braydon afford to build a castle complete with moat and drawbridge on a firefighter's salary? How could Braydon switch from human to dragon and back again and have his clothes remain intact? Every story I've ever read, every movie, every TV show tells me that when a shapeshifter shifts shapes (try saying that out loud three times) the clothes are destroyed. If it is due to Magik, then please say so. An author just can't write about a clothed shapesifter sifting shape (I couldn't resist) without addressing this point.I truly hope that Tumlin re-visits this story to turn it into a novel.
review 2: About a month ago, there was a promotion on Amazon and this book was a freebie and accidentally, I stumbled upon it and 'bought' it.It was a free read so I did not expect much and since it is novella I doubted there would be any deep character development. So, enjoying this book was a pleasant surprise. There were some interesting ideas with different types of dragons (water, chaos, fire, earth...) and I am sorry author did not have time to develop them more.As for the romance between Brayden & Callie it was as expected. ZAP! They are deeply profoundly in love. In fact, they are soul-mates. I am always skeptic when this happens in book. I think that true love does not just happen, you have to work on it (at least deep true love, not superficial attraction). less
Reviews (see all)
This was pretty good. I just wish it was longer.It could have been a great full length story.
Good free short story from Amazon. I am interested in the other books now.
The story was interesting. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Not a bad read for a Kindle freebie.
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