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Maggie Bean Stays Afloat (2008)

by Tricia Rayburn(Favorite Author)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 5
1416933476 (ISBN13: 9781416933472)
Maggie Bean
review 1: As Maggie Bean continues to struggle with weight, Pound Patrollers comes to a close. Her and Arnie are asked to start Patrol This, a weight loss program for kids. Neither really want to do it, but Arnie makes it fun, and the kids can't wait until next week. Along with that, Maggie's summer starts with working as a junior swim instructor at a local camp. It's full of high school kids, but one Ben invites her on a date and they go out for about a month until they find out about her troubled past. Along with that, Aimee and Arnie are hardly seen, and when she decides to return to their lives, they're not very forgiving at first. And along with all this, her family struggles to quit being a renter and become home owners. But eventually, everyone forgives Maggie, she's back on ... moretop, and she finds home.
review 2: A really awesome companion to the Melting of Maggie Bean, it touches on a really sensitive subject for most people -- obesity. Maggie Bean used to be 200 pounds +, but after chasing after an intense dream to join the Water Wings, the school swim team where all the popular girls reside, she loses weight and her craving and addiction to chocolate. She regains her self esteem, and becomes a healthier person. This book is sublime for preteens and teens. less
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I am reading this book right now and I am on like page 10. (:
I loved this book it was one of the best I have read!
Good story about overcoming fear
it was OK...not the best
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