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Owner Of My Heart (2012)

by Valentina Heart(Favorite Author)
3.82 of 5 Votes: 5
1614955506 (ISBN13: 9781614955504)
Silver Publishing
Mending the Rift
review 1: Again this could have been a 4 star if only more detail was used. Personally I think too much was squished into this one and the ending has left me feeling a bit like I shouldn't of bothered.The first part of this had me griped. Waiting to see who was behind the attacks and maybe a little more insight into why, not to mention who the mysterious assassin was from book one. But for me it all seemed to suddenly feel rushed to make way for the war story.For me the war would of made a better book 3 and then maybe it would be finished rather than leaving us mid battle. In fact I'm only giving this 2.5 stars because it really was a poor place to end the book, especially as its been 2 years and still no book 3.
review 2: What a surprisingly wonderful story! With as m
... moreuch antipathy as I felt towards the first book, King’s Conquest, I feel an equal amount of enthusiasm for this little gem. The difference in the writing between the two is so great it almost seems as though they were written by two separate authors. The words flowed with an eloquence that reflected the maturity of not only the main character Merin, whose point of view we get firsthand, but that of the author as well.For those of you that quit this series after reading the first book I say give this one a try. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you find. less
Reviews (see all)
Another great book t the series, this one though you'll need the tissues. A must read.
3.6 stars. Even tough it's a short story, it feels a bit dragging and distractive.
This book was read and reviewed by Carissa for Love Bytes Reviews.
A lovely read...=]
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