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The Ghost Of The Mary Celeste (2014)

by Valerie Martin(Favorite Author)
3.18 of 5 Votes: 5
0385533500 (ISBN13: 9780385533508)
Nan A. Talese
review 1: This novel was beautifully written, in exquisite prose---the level of historically accurate detail about every gesture and scene was astounding. Also, the novel had a wonderful sense of construction. We are constantly moving from the consciousness and concerns of one to character another while we navigate fictional and historical scenes. In the end the book just exploded with a finer, higher "reality" than any of the scenes had actually rendered up until the end. So many questions, and one or two answers---the narrative construction of the novel was masterful, and one of its greatest pleasures. Only a very accomplished and assured novelist could have achieved this feat of fictional composition, the narrative design. Valerie Martin is such a writer. Bravo. ... more Wow.
review 2: Compelling characters that pulled you along, wanting to know them better. Unfortunately, just as you started to connect with a character, the author discarded that character in a mystery. Wholly unfulfilling. The last twenty pages, in which the author could have offered some closure at least, instead offered more questions and red herrings. I'm wondering if i was supposed to know more about the myth before reading the book? Halfway through, I would have recommended it widely. After finishing it, not at all. less
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I liked the book, but sometimes I felt it tried to be a bit too clever.
Sometimes hard to follow.
could not finish
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