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Just Evil (2000)

by Vickie McKeehan(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 1
Evil Secrets Trilogy
review 1: I enjoyed this book! I love crime/mystery novels and this one did not disappoint! For a first-time author, this was excellent. I was captured by this book from the beginning. Kit, a good young woman with a horrible, abusive mother had just about gotten her life together when she finds herself being suspect of her mother's brutal murder. Not only just her mother's but several others as well. When police pursue Kit as a suspect, childhood friend Jake Boston comes to her aid. Jake has successfully held off police from similar charges and feels the charges against Kit are false. The story progresses with threats not only from the police but threats upon Kit's life. Jake becomes protective of Kit and a romance blossoms. When Jake starts his own investigation into the threats, h... moreis team uncovers dark secrets about Lana, the law firm, old murders and corrupt practices. I'm looking forward to the next book to find out what happens next!
review 2: Not horrible. I like the plot and characters well enough. The first half of the book was mostly about the two main characters having sex... and more sex... and more sex. Monotonous sex. The same scene over, and over, and over. Thankfully it died down in the second half of the book. I was beginning to think I was reading a cheap romance novel instead of the mystery I had meant to read. I probably won't read books two and three. I wanted a lighter read, but, sheesh! less
Reviews (see all)
I liked the story and the mystery but I could have done without all the bedroom stuff. Too much!
I'm so annoyed with how this book ended. It was as though it was mid story then The End.
Amazing read, I highly recommend. 4.5/5 angel starz, reveiw to be written
couldn't get into it
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